Geothermal Power Station, The Eden Project

Michael Woods Associates was commissioned by EGS Energy to undertake protected species surveys on the site of a proposed geo-thermal power plant site at the Eden Project, Cornwall.

Surveys identified the presence of hazel dormice and grass snakes, as well as foraging bats on site. Planning permission was granted for the development in December 2010. A European Protected licence Species for dormice was obtained for works to take place, with clearance of part of the woodland/scrub occurring under supervision over winter 2010/2011, with stump removal occurring in spring 2011.

New woodland planting will be undertaken around the power plant as mitigation and enhancement, along with installation of dormouse boxes within surrounding habitat.

Clearance of areas of grassland habitat was undertaken in a precautionary manner to minimise effects on grass snake, with final restoration of the site to include replanting of woodland meadow and scrub habitat.